
ARFF International – Around Films

ARFF国际电影节是一年一度独立电影人的盛会,分为四大主要单元,展示各种类型的电影,包括故事片、纪录片、短片、商业广告、音乐视频、动画片、学生电影、电视剧、新媒体、时尚电影与摄影及有声创作。作为IMDb奖项列表的认证赛事,该电影节每年汇聚了来自世界各地的优秀作品。 ARFF环球奖授予反映了全球关注的问题和独特的叙事方法的作品, 获奖作品可来自不同类别,包括故事片、纪录片、短片、实验片、音乐视频、动画片、和学生电影,都在授奖范围。

电影节的月度图书馆收录了世界各地的杰出获奖影片。参赛影片将由国际社区和专业评审团评估。参赛者可以在线提交影片,并需分享官方预告片和片花。评委和国际社区将通过私人放映评选最佳影片,制作年度奖项的候选名单。所有候选作品有机会入围半决赛和决赛。每月入选的参与者将获得“官方入选”徽章,获奖者将获得“官方获奖”桂冠。每个单元的提名作品将通过线上和线下展示,并与WSXA International合作,在巴塞罗那、巴黎、阿姆斯特丹和柏林依次展映。

Around International Film Festival is an independent annual event with four major editions showcasing Feature Films, Documentaries, Shorts, Commercials, Music Videos, Animations, Student Films, TV Series, New Media, Fashion Films & Photography, and Audible Creations as an IMDb Award Listing Qualifier. The ARFF Globe Award is given to films that reflect global concerns and unique storytelling approaches. It is awarded across various categories, including Feature, Short, Documentary, Experimental, Music Video, Animation, and Student Films.

The monthly Festival’s library includes remarkable award-winning films from around the world. Your film will be evaluated by the international community and judged by a final jury of film professionals. Filmmakers competing in the festival can submit their films online and must share the official trailer and teaser. Judges and the international community will award the best films through private screenings to create the overall yearly selection for the Annual Awards. All nominated creations have a chance to be announced as Semi-Finalist, Finalist, Honorable Mention, and Winner.

All selected participants will receive our “Official Selection” every month, and winners will get the “Official Winner Laurel.” Each edition of the festival screens or streams the nominee creations for the Annual Award Events (Online & Offline), showcasing the nominees with the collaboration of WSXA International in Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin insuccession.


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Congratulations to Director Zhang, everything is possible in front of you. Keep looking forward to your new works.




너무너무 축하해요 장감독님 ㅎㅎ이렇게 상을 받음으로써 타인들에게도 감독으로써 인정을 받게 되어 너무 기쁘네요 ㅎㅎ 축하합니다.


You are great my dear Captain!👍 Your first directed documentary had won you an award!🎉🎉🎉So proud of you and Congratulations once again!♥️





Dear Xiaozhe,
My Mr. Precious plz 🙏 send my CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 👏 💐 TO THE consecutive successes of my Zhang ZheHan as he well deserved.
Honey 🥰 ur happiness means well to me and in truth, no matter wht the weather hits me to the extent of risking my life once more due to unavoidable circumstances such as misconstrued. Here, I am, I still go on praying for ur other wishes to come ur way towards success. No need to elaborate further as tht’s always been our secret together.
I LOVEyou then, now and of course, tomoro after the next, silly goose❗️
Thank U for loving me the first glance we stumbled each other.
We fought over three simple words, “I LOVE YOU” since then on we drove each other crazy 😜. I think tht’s what LOVE IS ALL ABOUT😂.
Take care would yah. Hey❗️U know where to get hold of me OK 👍.
LuVzU 🥰,

希望有機會跟HBO ,ABC,FOX等知名電影電視公司合作