On a path called destiny, we have encountered many people who have composed the songs of youth and missed many weights of regret. Thoughts are like the shimmering, fluctuating surface of the sea. When one day we find a drifting bottle thrown by our childhood selves, what response shall we make?
Creatively, the single navigates the narrative in a gentle and disjointed manner through layered memories. Recollections of childhood intertwine with the world of adulthood across the changing times, until they meet. ‘From class to class, another day; taking off, landing, in the blink of an eye’ creates a space of imagery under the same moment, like a dialogue between the alternate spaces of past and future. The song delicately and fittingly presents pure childhood scenes in warmth. The arrangement, led by piano and strings, is reminiscent of practicing piano on a sun-drenched afternoon in childhood, gently enveloping past moments, with echoes drifting over the sea.
歌词 Lyrics
小书包趴在小肩膀 沿着小水沟 走回家门口
Small backpack slung on little shoulders. Along the shallow ditch, heading to my home
低头 滚到脚边的篮球
Look down. A basketball rolls at my feet
See my sleeves slowly shrink away
风吹来了希望 风带走了忧愁 抬头
The wind arrives in hope and sweeps away our woes. Head up.
双脚腾空躺 在松软的云朵上 自由
Feet in the air, resting on soft clouds. So free
上课下课 又一天
From class to class, another day
登机落地 一睁眼
Taking off, landing, in the blink of an eye
开门关门 时间点
Doors open and close, as moments sway
来来回回 这世界
Back and forth, in this world
入戏出戏 无尽蔓延
In and out of roles, an endless expanse
潮起潮落 凝望着地平线
Tides rise and fall. Gazing at the skyline
终有一天 要和自己面对面
One day, I will face myself and come what may
Big sneakers stride on the wide street
望大厦高楼 公车消失在路口
Towering buildings and buses fade from my sight
目光 停留在书桌前窗口
Eyes linger on the desk by the window
Memories pass me by like a montage
雨淋湿了视线 雨静默了呢喃 抬头
Rain blurs my sight and drowns out my whispers. Head up.
屏住呼吸 潜入最深的海底 自由
Hold my breath, diving to the sea floor. So free
上课下课 又一天
From class to class, another day
登机落地 一睁眼
Taking off, landing, in the blink of an eye
开门关门 时间点
Doors open and close, as moments sway
来来回回 这世界
Back and forth, in this world
出戏入戏 无尽蔓延
Out and in of roles, an endless expanse
潮起潮落 凝望着地平线
Tides rise and fall. Gazing at the skyline
终有一天 要和自己面对面
One day, I will face myself and come what may
路已走远 要和自己说再见
Time to leave the long journey behind. Farewell
iTunes Worldwide Song Chart No.3
Singapore Yes933 Hit of the Year
Japan Oricon Singles Chart No.14
KKBox Year-End Songs Chart No.12
KKBox Music Awards Weekly Chart No.1
爱极啦,歌词 旋律🎶 超级美丽和温暖
双脚腾空躺 在松软的云朵上 自由
屏住呼吸 潜入最深的海底 自由
你我他 ,终有一天要和自己面对面
“公车消失在路口 目光停留在书桌前窗口”,学生时代一去不复返
“”上课下课又一天 登机落地 一睁眼” 我已是中年。
我预想的像个老头,过尽千帆, 终于平实地叹一声人生海海。
他无一字讲人 生海海, 但一字一句写尽 人生海海。
他唱的像在讲童话故事, 可是这根本不是 童话。
我从来不敢想一个年轻人可以在受尽磨难 后这么平静,但是他做到了。
他摘下小书包, 从云朵上下来, 藏起疑 问, 潜入深海。
但是上天入海, 他都是自由的。
十年前他说,”我要向前走了, 你来不来, 你不来我就自己走了。”
而今他说,要跟自己面对面, 要跟过去的自己告别。
他又一次不管别人跟不跟, 都要自己往前走了。