一座古老城堡矗立山巅,乌鸦时而盘旋在拾荒者指尖,时而停歇在城堡尖顶,似乎为城堡守护着古老秘密。作为专辑首支单曲,歌手在创作上更加大胆和先锋,仅以一句‘Can You Hear Me’为歌词贯穿全曲。
在孤独而又充满渴望的世界中,无论是崇高或荒芜的灵魂都渴望被听见,被听见那些隐秘的情感,落寞的欢愉。而每一个生灵也都可以葆有自己的隐秘之所,那是一片未曾为人知的古堡。《Can You Hear Me》超越言语的界限,时间与空间的局限,完成一次内心自白与外界声音的心灵契约。
An ancient castle stands atop a hill, with crows sometimes circling around scavenger’s fingertips, and sometimes resting on the castle spires, as if guarding the castle’s ancient secrets. As the first single from the album, the artist takes a more daring and avant-garde approach to the composition, with the entire song built around the single line, “Can You Hear Me.”
It is “Can you hear me?” Listen to what? Listen to whom?
In the song, the singer doesn’t provide a specific answer. This is not the voice of one person, not the eerie sounds of the night, not the howling destiny of the castle, not a train whistle. Everything can make a sound; everything is what it is. A simple phrase, like countless voices across the universe, a monologue from spiritual firmament.
In this lonely yet longing-filled world, both noble and desolate souls yearn to be heard, to have those hidden emotions and solitary joys listened to. Each creature has its own secret place, an unknown castle. “Can You Hear Me” transcends the boundaries of language, and the limits of time and space, forging a soulful connection between inner confession and the sounds of the outer world.
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iTunes Worldwide Song Chart No. 1 x 3
iTunes Europe Song Chart No.1 x 2
iTunes US Song Chart No. 7
Japan Oricon Song Chart No. 17
今晚拍了賽博時空鏈條T,用can you Hera me 做BGM,自己覺得好滿意。
You are the only one who knows me,
The one who can expose me,
Sometimes I think it shows me, and it’s like.
If you’re in Hell, I’ll go there too,
There ain’t no, no kind of line,
That I wouldn’t cross if you need me to。
We hear you, and the whole world will see your talent!
Give yourself a big thumbs up, and you deserve the best!
Good afternoon my captain! So proud of you and happy for you!
Love is not getting but giving.
Love can never be old for it lives to last a lifetime.
每天hear hear 哲哲😘😘😘